Author - Martin Faith

Lovely Stained Glass Finish Options For Your Beaumont Church Or Chapel

Choosing A Stained Glass Style For Your Beaumont Thinking about adding stained glass to your Beaumont Church? Or maybe restoring the existing stained glass? But have no idea where to start? Well, that makes sense since almost no “regular Joe” knows much about the ancient art of stained glass. Likewise, you...


Mackintosh Inspired Stained Glass: Perfect For Your Houston Home

What Makes Charles Rennie Mackintosh Stained Glass Right For Your Houston Home? As the distinct look of Mackintosh stained glass begins making a reemergence in the 21st century, we, at Custom Stained Glass Houston are getting more and more questions about this trendsetting Scottish artisan and his work. While many people...


Beautiful Ways Beveled Glass Can Add Style and Sophistication to Houston Homes

Houston homeowners are always looking for ways to add style and sophistication to their homes-- whether they have traditional style or contemporary style decorated properties. Finding affordable projects that improve curb appeal and property value can definitely be tough. Beveled glass is a wonderful, unique feature that can really elevate...

custom stained glass houston

What is Scottish Stained Glass?

One of the questions that we receive most often from our Houston clients is, what is Scottish Stained Glass? After all, there are many different types of stained glass, so people generally asking this question want to know what makes Scottish Stained Glass different. Custom Stained Glass Houston is a...


Frank Lloyd Wright Inspired Prairie Style Stained Glass

Custom Stained Glass Houston strives to creates the most innovative, high quality custom stained glass for our Houston clientele. We love recreating stained glass pieces, paying homage to artists and different art movements, and delivering harmonious, well-balanced pieces. With so many different styles, colors, and textures that can be reflected...


How to Incorporate Stained Glass into Modern Architecture in Houston

Houston has some of the most beautiful, intricate traditional stained glass windows featured throughout their homes and historic commercial buildings. Stained glass is often considered as an antique, traditional art form that many see as outdated. Although these pieces can reflect powerful imagery and interesting art movements of the past,...